Package 'rstac'

Title: Client Library for SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog
Description: Provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth observation data via SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC). This package supports the version 1.0.0 (and older) of the STAC specification (<>). For further details see Simoes et al. (2021) <doi:10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553518>.
Authors: Rolf Simoes [aut], Felipe Carvalho [aut, cre], Brazil Data Cube Team [aut], National Institute for Space Research (INPE) [cph]
Maintainer: Felipe Carvalho <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-03-12 04:14:40 UTC

Help Index

Assets functions


These functions provide support to work with doc_items and doc_item item objects.

  • assets_download(): Downloads the assets provided by the STAC API.

  • assets_url(): [Experimental] Returns a character vector with each asset href. For the URL, you can add the GDAL library drivers for the following schemes: HTTP/HTTPS files, S3 (AWS S3) and GS (Google Cloud Storage).

  • assets_select(): [Experimental] Selects the assets of each item by its name (asset_names parameter), by expressions (... parameter), or by a selection function (select_fn parameter). Note: This function can produce items with empty assets. In this case, users can use the items_compact() function to remove items with no assets.

  • assets_rename(): [Experimental] Rename each asset using a named list or a function.


  asset_names = NULL,
  output_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  download_fn = NULL

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
  asset_names = NULL,
  output_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  create_json = FALSE,
  download_fn = NULL

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
  asset_names = NULL,
  output_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  download_fn = NULL,
  create_json = TRUE,
  items_max = Inf,
  progress = TRUE

## Default S3 method:
  asset_names = NULL,
  output_dir = getwd(),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  create_json = FALSE,
  download_fn = NULL

assets_url(items, asset_names = NULL, append_gdalvsi = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
assets_url(items, asset_names = NULL, append_gdalvsi = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
assets_url(items, asset_names = NULL, append_gdalvsi = FALSE)

## Default S3 method:
assets_url(items, asset_names = NULL, append_gdalvsi = FALSE)

assets_select(items, ..., asset_names = NULL, select_fn = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
assets_select(items, ..., asset_names = NULL, select_fn = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
assets_select(items, ..., asset_names = NULL, select_fn = NULL)

## Default S3 method:
assets_select(items, ..., asset_names = NULL, select_fn = NULL)

assets_rename(items, mapper = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
assets_rename(items, mapper = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
assets_rename(items, mapper = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
assets_rename(items, mapper = NULL, ...)


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

## Default S3 method:






a doc_item or doc_items object representing the result of ⁠/stac/search⁠, /collections/{collectionId}/items or /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoints.


a character vector with the names of the assets to be selected.


a character directory in which the assets will be saved. Default is the working directory (getwd())


a logical if TRUE will replace the existing file, if FALSE, a warning message is shown.


additional arguments. See details.


a function to handle download of assets for each item to be downloaded. Using this function, you can change the hrefs for each asset, as well as the way download is done.


a logical indicating if a JSON file with item metadata (doc_item or doc_items) must be created in the output directory.


a numeric corresponding to how many items will be downloaded.


a logical indicating if a progress bar must be shown or not. Defaults to TRUE.


a logical value. If true, gdal drivers are included in the URL of each asset. The following schemes are supported: HTTP/HTTPS files, S3 (AWS S3) and GS (Google Cloud Storage).


a function to select assets an item (doc_item or doc_items). This function receives as parameter the asset element and, optionally, the asset name. Asset elements contain metadata describing spatial-temporal objects. Users can provide a function to select assets based on this metadata by returning a logical value where TRUE selects the asset, and FALSE discards it.


either a named list or a function to rename assets of an item (doc_item or doc_items). In the case of a named list, use ⁠<old name> = <new name>⁠ to rename the assets. The function can be used to rename the assets by returning a character string using the metadata contained in the asset object.


a character with the name of the asset field to return.


Ellipsis argument (...) appears in different assets functions and has distinct purposes:

  • assets_download(): ellipsis is used to pass additional httr options to GET or POST methods, such as add_headers or set_cookies.

  • assets_select(): ellipsis is used to pass expressions that will be evaluated against each asset metadata. Expressions must be evaluated as a logical value where TRUE selects the asset and FALSE discards it. Multiple expressions are combine with AND operator. Expressions can use asset helper functions (i.e. asset_key(), asset_eo_bands(), and asset_raster_bands()). Multiple expressions are combined with AND operator.

    WARNING: Errors in the evaluation of expressions are considered as FALSE.

  • assets_rename(): ellipsis is used to pass named parameters to be processed in the same way as the named list in mapper argument.


  • assets_download(): returns the same input object item (doc_item or doc_items) where href properties point to the download assets.

  • assets_url(): returns a character vector with all assets href of an item (doc_item or doc_items).

  • assets_select(): returns the same input object item (doc_item or doc_items) with the selected assets.

  • assets_rename(): returns the same input object item (doc_items or doc_item) with the assets renamed.

See Also

stac_search(), items(), get_request()


## Not run: 
 # assets_download function
 stac("") %>%
   stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2",
               datetime = "2019-06-01/2019-08-01") %>%
   stac_search() %>%
   get_request() %>%
   assets_download(asset_names = "thumbnail", output_dir = tempdir())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
 # assets_url function
 stac_item <- stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 100,
         datetime = "2017-08-01/2018-03-01",
         bbox = c(-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272)) %>%
  get_request() %>% items_fetch(progress = FALSE)

 stac_item %>% assets_url()

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
 # assets_select function
 stac_item <- stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 100,
         datetime = "2017-08-01/2018-03-01",
         bbox = c(-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272)) %>%
  get_request() %>% items_fetch(progress = FALSE)

 stac_item %>% assets_select(asset_names = "NDVI")

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
items <- stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = c("landsat-8-c2-l2", "sentinel-2-l2a"),
              bbox = c(xmin = -64.85976089, ymin = -10.49199395,
                       xmax = -64.79272527, ymax =-10.44736091),
              datetime = "2019-01-01/2019-06-28",
              limit = 50) %>%

# Selects assets by name
items <- assets_select(items,
                       asset_names = c("B02", "B03", "SR_B1", "SR_B2"))
# Renames the landsat assets
items <- assets_rename(items,
                       SR_B1 = "blue",
                       SR_B2 = "green",
                       B02   = "blue",
                       B03   = "green")
# Get the assets url's

## End(Not run)

Endpoint functions


The collections function implements the WFS3 ⁠/collections⁠ and /collections/{collectionId} endpoints.

Each endpoint retrieves specific STAC objects:

  • ⁠/collections⁠: Returns a list of STAC Collections published in the STAC service

  • /collections/{collectionId}: Returns a single STAC Collection object


collections(q, collection_id = NULL)



a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


a character collection id to be retrieved.


A rstac_query object with the subclass collections for ⁠/collections/⁠ endpoint, or a collection_id subclass for /collections/{collection_id} endpoint, containing all search field parameters to be provided to STAC API web service.

See Also

get_request(), post_request(), items()


## Not run: 
 stac("") %>%
   collections() %>%

 stac("") %>%
   collections(collection_id = "CB4-16D-2") %>%

## End(Not run)

doc_conformance endpoint


The conformance endpoint provides the capabilities of the service. This endpoint is accessible from the provider's catalog (⁠/conformance⁠).





a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


A rstac_query object with the subclass conformance for ⁠/conformance⁠ endpoint.

See Also

get_request(), stac(), collections()


## Not run: 
stac("") %>%
  conformance() %>% get_request()

## End(Not run)

CQL2 helper function


These are helper functions to easy construction CQL2 expressions. These functions are not meant to be used in expressions and they must be escaped using ⁠{{⁠ to be evaluated before request.





cql2_interval(start = "..", end = "..")



a numeric containing a bbox with c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).

x, start, end

a character string containing valid date or timestamp.


  • cql2_bbox_as_geojson(): used to convert bounding box (bbox) to a GeoJSON object to be used as argument of CQL2 spatial operators.

  • cql2_date(), cql2_timestamp(), and cql2_interval(): create temporal literal values to be passed into CQL2 expressions.


  • cql2_bbox_as_geojson(): GeoJSON object.

  • cql2_date(), cql2_timestamp(), and cql2_interval(): internal rstac expressions representing temporal values.


## Not run: 
bbox <- c(-122.2751, 47.5469, -121.9613, 47.7458)

    collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
      t_intersects(datetime, {{
        cql2_interval("2020-12-01", "2020-12-31")
      }}) &&
      s_intersects(geometry, {{

## End(Not run)

Filter extension


[Experimental] ext_filter() implements Common Query Language (CQL2) filter extension on rstac. This extension expands the filter capabilities providing a query language to construct more complex expressions. CQL2 is an OGC standard and defines how filters can be constructed. It supports predicates for standard data types like strings, numbers, and boolean as well as for spatial geometries (point, lines, polygons) and temporal data (instants and intervals).

[Experimental] cql2_json() and cql2_text() are helper functions that can be used to show how expressions are converted into CQL2 standard, either JSON or TEXT formats.

rstac translates R expressions to CQL2, allowing users to express their filter criteria using R language. For more details on how to create CQL2 expressions in rstac. See the details section.


ext_filter(q, expr, lang = NULL, crs = NULL)





a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


a valid R expression to be translated to CQL2 (see details).


a character value indicating which CQL2 representation to be used. It can be either "cql2-text" (for plain text) or "cql2-json" (for JSON format). If NULL (default), "cql2-text" is used for HTTP GET requests and "cql2-json" for POST requests.


an optional character value informing the coordinate reference system used by geometry objects. If NULL (default), STAC services assume "WGS 84".


To allow users to express filter criteria in R language, rstac takes advantage of the abstract syntax tree (AST) to translate R expressions to CQL2 expressions. The following topics describe the correspondences between rstac expressions and CQL2 operators.

Standard comparison operators

  • ==, >=, <=, >, <, and != operators correspond to =, >=, <=, >, <, and ⁠<>⁠ in CQL2, respectively.

  • function is_null(a) and !is_null(a) corresponds to ⁠a IS NULL⁠ and ⁠a IS NOT NULL⁠ CQL2 operators, respectively.

Advanced comparison operators

  • a %like% b corresponds to CQL2 ⁠a LIKE b⁠, a and b strings values.

  • between(a, b, c) corresponds to CQL2 ⁠a BETWEEN b AND c⁠, where b and c integer values.

  • a %in% b corresponds to CQL2 ⁠a IN (b)⁠, where b should be a list of values of the same type as a.

Spatial operators

  • functions s_intersects(a, b), s_touches(a, b), s_within(a, b), s_overlaps(a, b), s_crosses(a, b), and s_contains(a, b) corresponds to CQL2 S_INTERSECTS(a, b), S_TOUCHES(a, b), S_WITHIN(a, b), S_OVERLAPS(a, b), S_CROSSES(a, b), and S_CONTAINS(a, b) operators, respectively. Here, a and b should be geometry objects. rstac accepts sf, sfc, sfg, list (representing GeoJSON objects), or character (representing either GeoJSON or WKT).

  • NOTE: All of the above spatial object types, except for the character, representing a WKT, may lose precision due to numeric truncation when R converts numbers to JSON text. WKT strings are sent "as is" to the service. Therefore, the only way for users to retain precision on spatial objects is to represent them as a WKT string. However, user can control numeric precision using the options(stac_digits = ...). The default value is 15 digits.

Temporal operators

  • functions date(a), timestamp(a), and interval(a, b) corresponds to CQL2 DATE(a), TIMESTAMP(a), and INTERVAL(a, b) operators, respectively. These functions create literal temporal values. The first two define an instant type, and the third an interval type.

  • functions t_after(a, b), t_before(a, b), t_contains(a, b), t_disjoint(a, b), t_during(a, b), t_equals(a, b), t_finishedby(a, b), t_finishes(a, b), t_intersects(a, b), t_meets(a, b), t_meet(a, b), t_metby(a, b), t_overlappedby(a, b), t_overlaps(a, b), t_startedby(a, b), and t_starts(a, b) corresponds to CQL2 T_AFTER(a, b), T_BEFORE(a, b), T_CONTAINS(a, b), T_DISJOINT(a, b), T_DURING(a, b), T_EQUALS(a, b), T_FINISHEDBY(a, b), T_FINISHES(a, b), T_INTERSECTS(a, b), T_MEETS(a, b), T_MEET(a, b), T_METBY(a, b), T_OVERLAPPEDBY(a, b), T_OVERLAPS(a, b), T_STARTEDBY(a, b), and T_STARTS(a, b) operators, respectively. Here, a and b are temporal values (instant or interval, depending on function).

Array Operators

  • R unnamed lists (or vectors of size > 1) are translated to arrays by rstac. list() and c() functions always create array values in CQL2 context, no matter the number of its arguments.

  • functions a_equals(a, b), a_contains(a, b), a_containedby(a, b), and a_overlaps(a, b) corresponds to CQL2 A_EQUALS(a, b), A_CONTAINS(a, b), A_CONTAINEDBY(a, b), and A_OVERLAPS(a, b) operators, respectively. Here, a and b should be arrays.


A rstac_query object with the subclass ext_filter containing all request parameters to be passed to get_request() or post_request() function.


The specification states that double-quoted identifiers should be interpreted as properties. However, the R language does not distinguish double quote from single quote strings. The right way to represent double quoted properties in R is to use the escape character (⁠), for example ⁠"date"'.

See Also

ext_query(), stac_search(), post_request(), before_request(), after_response(), content_response()


## Not run: 
# Standard comparison operators in rstac:
# Creating a stac search query
req <- stac("") %>%
  stac_search(limit = 5)

# Equal operator '=' with collection property
req %>% ext_filter(collection == "sentinel-2-l2a") %>% post_request()

# Not equal operator '!=' with collection property
req %>% ext_filter(collection != "sentinel-2-l2a") %>% post_request()

# Less than or equal operator '<=' with datetime property
req %>% ext_filter(datetime <= "1986-01-01") %>% post_request()

# Greater than or equal '>=' with AND operator
req %>% ext_filter(collection == "sentinel-2-l2a"   &&
                   `s2:vegetation_percentage` >= 50 &&
                   `eo:cloud_cover` <= 10) %>% post_request()
# Advanced comparison operators
# 'LIKE' operator
req %>% ext_filter(collection %like% "modis%") %>% post_request()

# 'IN' operator
req %>% ext_filter(
  collection %in% c("landsat-c2-l2", "sentinel-2-l2a") &&
    datetime > "2019-01-01" &&
    datetime < "2019-06-01") %>%

# Spatial operator
# Lets create a polygon with list
polygon <- list(
  type = "Polygon",
  coordinates = list(
    matrix(c(-62.34499836, -8.57414572,
             -62.18858174, -8.57414572,
             -62.18858174, -8.15351185,
             -62.34499836, -8.15351185,
             -62.34499836, -8.57414572),
           ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# 'S_INTERSECTS' spatial operator with polygon and geometry property
req %>% ext_filter(collection == "sentinel-2-l2a" &&
                   s_intersects(geometry, {{polygon}})) %>% post_request()

# 'S_CONTAINS' spatial operator with point and geometry property
point <- list(type = "Point", coordinates = c(-62.45792211, -8.61158488))
req %>% ext_filter(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
                   s_contains(geometry, {{point}})) %>% post_request()

# 'S_CROSSES' spatial operator with linestring and geometry property
linestring <- list(
  type = "LineString",
  coordinates = matrix(
         c(-62.55735320, -8.43329465, -62.21791603, -8.36815014),
         ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
req %>% ext_filter(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
                   s_crosses(geometry, {{linestring}})) %>% post_request()

# Temporal operator
# 'T_INTERSECTS' temporal operator with datetime property
req %>% ext_filter(
  collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
    t_intersects(datetime, interval("1985-07-16T05:32:00Z",
                                    "1985-07-24T16:50:35Z"))) %>%

# 'T_DURING' temporal operator with datetime property
req %>%
 ext_filter(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
            interval("2022-07-16T05:32:00Z", ".."))) %>%

# 'T_BEFORE' temporal operator with datetime property
req %>%
 ext_filter(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
            t_before(datetime, timestamp("2022-07-16T05:32:00Z"))) %>%

# 'T_AFTER' temporal operator with datetime property
req %>%
 ext_filter(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
            t_after(datetime, timestamp("2022-07-16T05:32:00Z"))) %>%

# Shows how CQL2 expression (TEXT format)
cql2_text(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
  s_crosses(geometry, {{linestring}}))

# Shows how CQL2 expression (JSON format)
cql2_json(collection == "landsat-c2-l2" &&
            t_after(datetime, timestamp("2022-07-16T05:32:00Z")))

## End(Not run)

Query extension


The ext_query() is the exported function of the STAC API query extension. It can be used after a call to stac_search() function. It allows that additional fields and operators other than those defined in stac_search() function be used to make a complex filter.

The function accepts multiple filter criteria. Each filter entry is an expression formed by ⁠<field> <operator> <value>⁠, where ⁠<field>⁠ refers to a valid item property. Supported ⁠<fields>⁠ depends on STAC API service implementation. The users must rely on the service providers' documentation to know which properties can be used by this extension.

The ext_query() function allows the following ⁠<operators>⁠

  • == corresponds to 'eq'

  • != corresponds to 'neq'

  • < corresponds to 'lt'

  • <= corresponds to 'lte'

  • > corresponds to 'gt'

  • >= corresponds to 'gte'

  • ⁠\%startsWith\%⁠ corresponds to 'startsWith' and implements a string prefix search operator.

  • ⁠\%endsWith\%⁠ corresponds to 'endsWith' and implements a string suffix search operator.

  • ⁠\%contains\%⁠: corresponds to 'contains' and implements a string infix search operator.

  • ⁠\%in\%⁠: corresponds to '⁠in⁠' and implements a vector search operator.

Besides this function, the following S3 generic methods were implemented to get things done for this extension:

  • The before_request() for subclass ext_query

  • The after_response() for subclass ext_query

See source file ext_query.R for an example of how to implement new extensions.


ext_query(q, ...)



a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


entries with format ⁠<field> <operator> <value>⁠.


A rstac_query object with the subclass ext_query containing all request parameters to be passed to post_request() function.

See Also

ext_filter(), stac_search(), post_request(), before_request(), after_response(), content_response()


## Not run: 
 stac("") %>%
   stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2") %>%
   ext_query("bdc:tile" %in% "007004") %>%

## End(Not run)

STAC API request functions


The get_request is function that makes HTTP GET requests to STAC web services, retrieves, and parse the data.

The post_request is function that makes HTTP POST requests to STAC web services, retrieves, and parse the data.


get_request(q, ...)

post_request(q, ..., encode = c("json", "multipart", "form"))



a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


config parameters to be passed to GET or POST methods, such as add_headers or set_cookies.


a character informing the request body Content-Type. Accepted types are 'json' ('application/json'), 'form' ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), and 'multipart' ('multipart/form-data'). Defaults to 'json'.


Either a doc_catalog, doc_collection, doc_collections, doc_items or doc_item object depending on the subclass and search fields parameters of q argument.

See Also

stac() stac_search() collections() items()


## Not run: 
 stac("") %>%

 stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2") %>%

## End(Not run)

Endpoint functions


The items function implements WFS3 /collections/{collectionId}/items, and /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId} endpoints.

Each endpoint retrieves specific STAC objects:

  • /collections/{collectionId}/items: Returns a STAC Items collection (GeoJSON)

  • /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId}: Returns a STAC Item (GeoJSON Feature)

The endpoint /collections/{collectionId}/items accepts the same filters parameters of stac_search() function.


items(q, feature_id = NULL, datetime = NULL, bbox = NULL, limit = NULL)



a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


a character with item id to be fetched. Only works if the collection_id is informed. This is equivalent to the endpoint /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}.


a character with a date-time or an interval. Date and time strings needs to conform to RFC 3339. Intervals are expressed by separating two date-time strings by '/' character. Open intervals are expressed by using '..' in place of date-time.


  • A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z"

  • A closed interval: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/2018-03-18T12:31:12Z"

  • Open intervals: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/.." or "../2018-03-18T12:31:12Z"

Only features that have a datetime property that intersects the interval or date-time informed in datetime are selected.


a numeric vector with only features that have a geometry that intersects the bounding box are selected. The bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on whether the coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis (elevation or depth):

  • Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1

  • Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2

  • Lower left corner, coordinate axis 3 (optional)

  • Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1

  • Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2

  • Upper right corner, coordinate axis 3 (optional)

The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS84 longitude/latitude ( The values are, in most cases, the sequence of minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, and maximum latitude. However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian, the first value (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge).


an integer defining the maximum number of results to return. If not informed, it defaults to the service implementation.


A rstac_query object with the subclass items for /collections/{collection_id}/items endpoint, or a item_id subclass for /collections/{collection_id}/items/{feature_id} endpoint, containing all search field parameters to be provided to STAC API web service.

See Also

get_request(), post_request(), collections()


## Not run: 
 stac("") %>%
   collections("CB4-16D-2") %>%
   items(bbox = c(-47.02148, -17.35063, -42.53906, -12.98314)) %>%

 stac("") %>%
   collections("CB4-16D-2") %>%
   items("CB4-16D_V2_000002_20230509") %>%

## End(Not run)

Items functions


These functions provide support to work with doc_items and doc_item objects.

  • items_length(): shows how many items there are in the doc_items object.

  • items_matched(): shows how many items matched the search criteria. It supports search:metadata (v0.8.0), context (v0.9.0), and numberMatched (OGC WFS3 core spec).

  • items_fetch(): request all STAC Items through pagination.

  • items_next(): fetches a new page from STAC service.

  • items_datetime(): retrieves the datetime field in properties from doc_items and doc_item objects.

  • items_bbox(): retrieves the bbox field of a doc_items or a doc_item object.

  • item_assets(): returns the assets name from doc_items and doc_item objects.

  • items_filter(): selects only items that match some criteria (see details section).

  • items_reap(): extract key values by traversing all items in a doc_items object.

  • items_fields(): lists field names inside an item.

  • items_sign(): allow access assets by preparing its url.

  • items_as_sf(): [Experimental] convert items to sf object.

  • items_as_sfc(): [Experimental] convert items to sfc object.

  • items_intersects(): [Experimental] indicates which items intersects a given geometry.

  • items_properties(): lists properties names inside an item.



## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

items_matched(items, matched_field = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_matched(items, matched_field = NULL)

items_fetch(items, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_fetch(items, ..., progress = TRUE, matched_field = NULL)

items_next(items, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_next(items, ...)


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

## Default S3 method:

items_filter(items, ..., filter_fn = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_filter(items, ..., filter_fn = NULL)


## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

items_reap(items, field, pick_fn = identity)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_reap(items, field, pick_fn = identity)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_reap(items, field, pick_fn = identity)

## Default S3 method:
items_reap(items, field, pick_fn = identity)

items_fields(items, field = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_fields(items, field = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_fields(items, field = NULL)

items_sign(items, sign_fn)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_sign(items, sign_fn)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_sign(items, sign_fn)

## Default S3 method:
items_sign(items, sign_fn)

items_as_sf(items, ..., crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_as_sf(items, ..., crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_as_sf(items, ..., crs = 4326)

items_as_sfc(items, crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_as_sfc(items, crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_as_sfc(items, crs = 4326)


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

items_intersects(items, geom, ..., crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
items_intersects(items, geom, ..., crs = 4326)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_intersects(items, geom, ..., crs = 4326)


## S3 method for class 'doc_item'

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'

items_select(items, selection)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
items_select(items, selection)



a doc_items object.


a character vector with the path where the number of items returned in the named list is located starting from the initial node of the list. For example, if the information is in a position items$meta$found of the object, it must be passed as the following parameter c("meta", "found").


additional arguments. See details.


a logical indicating if a progress bar must be shown or not. Defaults to TRUE.


a function that receives an item that should evaluate a logical value.


a character with the names of the field to get the subfields values.


a function used to pick elements from items addressed by field parameter.


a function that receives an item as a parameter and returns an item signed.


a character representing the geometry projection.


a sf or sfc object.


an integer vector containing the indices of the items to select.


Ellipsis argument (...) appears in different items functions and has distinct purposes:

  • items_matched() and items_assets(): ellipsis is not used.

  • items_fetch() and items_next(): ellipsis is used to pass additional httr options to GET or POST methods, such as add_headers or set_cookies.

  • items_filter(): ellipsis is used to pass logical expressions to be evaluated against a doc_item field as filter criteria.

    WARNING: the evaluation of filter expressions changed in rstac 0.9.2. Older versions of rstac used properties field to evaluate filter expressions. Below, there is an example of how to write expressions in new rstac version:

    # expression in older version
    items_filter(stac_obj, `eo:cloud_cover` < 10)
    # now expressions must refer to properties explicitly
    items_filter(stac_obj, properties$`eo:cloud_cover` < 10)
    items_filter(stac_obj, properties[["eo:cloud_cover"]] < 10)
  • items_sign(): in the near future, ellipsis will be used to append key-value pairs to the url query string of an asset.

items_sign() has sign_fn parameter that must be a function that receives as argument an item and returns a signed item. rstac provides sign_bdc() and sign_planetary_computer() functions to access Brazil Data Cube products and Microsoft Planetary Computer catalogs, respectively.


  • items_length(): an integer value.

  • items_matched(): returns an integer value if the STAC web server does support this extension. Otherwise returns NULL.

  • items_fetch(): a doc_items with all matched items.

  • items_next(): fetches a new page from STAC service.

  • items_datetime(): a list of all items' datetime.

  • items_bbox(): returns a list with all items' bounding boxes.

  • item_assets(): returns a character value with all assets names of all items.

  • items_filter(): a doc_items object.

  • items_reap(): a vector if the supplied field is atomic, otherwise or a list.

  • items_fields(): a character vector.

  • items_sign(): a doc_items object with signed assets url.

  • items_as_sf(): a sf object.

  • items_as_sfc(): a sfc object.

  • items_as_tibble(): a tibble object.

  • items_intersects(): a logical vector.

  • items_properties(): returns a character value with all properties of all items.

  • items_select(): select features from an items object.


## Not run: 
 x <- stac("") %>%
     stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2") %>%
     stac_search(datetime = "2020-01-01/2021-01-01", limit = 500) %>%

 x %>% items_length()
 x %>% items_matched()
 x %>% items_datetime()
 x %>% items_bbox()
 x %>% items_fetch()

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Defining BDC token
Sys.setenv("BDC_ACCESS_KEY" = "token-123")

# doc_item object
stac("") %>%
    stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 100,
        datetime = "2017-08-01/2018-03-01",
        bbox = c(-48.206, -14.195, -45.067, -12.272)) %>%
    get_request() %>% items_sign(sign_fn = sign_bdc())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# doc_items object
stac("") %>%
    stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 100,
        datetime = "2017-08-01/2018-03-01",
        bbox = c(-48.206, -14.195, -45.067, -12.272)) %>%
    get_request() %>%
    items_filter(properties$`eo:cloud_cover` < 10)

# Example with AWS STAC
stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = "sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs",
              bbox = c(-48.206, -14.195, -45.067, -12.272),
              datetime = "2018-06-01/2018-06-30",
              limit = 500) %>%
  post_request() %>%
  items_filter(filter_fn = function(x) {x$properties$`eo:cloud_cover` < 10})

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# doc_items object
stac_item <- stac("") %>%
 stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2", limit = 100,
        datetime = "2017-08-01/2018-03-01",
        bbox = c(-48.206, -14.195, -45.067, -12.272)) %>%
 get_request() %>% items_fetch(progress = FALSE)

stac_item %>% items_reap(field = c("properties", "datetime"))

stac_item %>% items_as_sf()

stac_item %>% items_as_tibble()

stac_item %>% items_select(c(1, 4, 10, 20))

## End(Not run)

Signature in hrefs provided by the STAC from the Brazil Data Cube project.


These functions provide support to access assets from Brazil Data Cube.

  • items_sign_bdc(): [Experimental] A simplified function to sign assets' URL from Brazil Data Cube to be able to access the data.

  • sign_bdc(): Creates a signing function to be used by items_sign(). This function sign all the assets' URL.

To sign the hrefs with your token you need to store it in an environment variable in BDC_ACCESS_KEYor use acess_token parameter.


items_sign_bdc(items, access_token = NULL, ...)

sign_bdc(access_token = NULL, ...)



a doc_item or doc_items object representing the result of ⁠/stac/search⁠, /collections/{collectionId}/items or /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoints.


a character with the access token parameter to access Brazil Data Cube assets.


additional parameters can be supplied to the GET function of the httr package.


a function that signs each item assets.

  • items_sign_bdc(): items with signed assets URLs.

  • sign_bdc(): a function to to be passed to items_sign().


## Not run: 
 # doc_items object
 stac_obj <- stac("") %>%
   stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2",
               datetime = "2019-06-01/2019-08-01") %>%
   stac_search() %>%

 # the new way to authenticate:
 stac_obj <- stac_obj %>%

 # this is the old way of authentication (still works):
 # stac_obj %>%
 #   items_sign(sign_fn = sign_bdc(access_token = "<your-access-token>"))

## End(Not run)

Signs URL to access assets from Microsoft's Planetary Computer.


These functions provide support to access assets from Planetary Computer.

  • items_sign_planetary_computer(): [Experimental] A simplified function to sign assets' URL from Microsoft Planetary Computer to be able to access the data.

  • sign_planetary_computer(): Creates a signing function to be used by items_sign(). This function sign all the assets' URL.


items_sign_planetary_computer(items, subscription_key = NULL, ...)

sign_planetary_computer(..., headers = NULL, token_url = NULL)



a doc_item or doc_items object representing the result of ⁠/stac/search⁠, /collections/{collectionId}/items or /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoints.


the subscription-key to access restricted assets in Microsoft Planetary Computer. You can keep this parameter empty for non-protected assets.


additional parameters can be supplied to the GET function of the httr package.


a named character vector with headers key-value content.


a character with the URL that generates the tokens in the Microsoft service. By default is used: ""


  • items_sign_planetary_computer(): items with signed assets URLs.

  • sign_planetary_computer(): a function to to be passed to items_sign().


## Not run: 
 # doc_items object
 stac_obj <- stac("") %>%
  stac_search(collections = "sentinel-2-l2a",
              bbox = c(-47.02148, -17.35063, -42.53906, -12.98314)) %>%

 # the new way to authenticate:
 stac_obj <- stac_obj %>%

 # this is the old way of authentication (still works):
 # stac_obj <- stac_obj %>%
 #   items_sign(sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer())

 # example of access to collections that require authentication
 stac_obj <- stac("") %>%
   stac_search(collections = c("sentinel-1-rtc"),
               bbox = c(-64.8597, -10.4919, -64.79272527, -10.4473),
               datetime = "2019-01-01/2019-01-28") %>%

 # the new way to authenticate:
 # stac_obj <- stac_obj %>%
 #   items_sign_planetary_computer("<subscription-key>")

 # this is the old way of authentication (still works):
 # stac_obj <- stac_obj %>%
 #   items_sign(
 #     sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer(
 #       headers = c("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" = <your-mpc-token>)
 #     )
 #   )

## End(Not run)

Plot preview images


This is a helper function to plot preview assets (e.g. quicklook, thumbnail, rendered_preview). Currently, only png and jpeg formats are supported.





image URL to be plotted.


A rastergrob grob from package grid.

Printing functions


The print function covers all objects in the rstac package:

  • stac(): returns a doc_catalog document from ⁠/stac⁠ (v0.8.0) or / (v0.9.0 or v1.0.0) endpoint.

  • stac_search(): returns a doc_items document from ⁠/stac/search⁠ (v0.8.0) or ⁠/search⁠ (v0.9.0 or v1.0.0) endpoint containing all Items that match the provided search predicates.

  • collections(): implements the ⁠/collections⁠ and /collections/{collectionId} endpoints. The former returns a doc_collections document that lists all collections published by the server, and the later returns a single doc_collection document that describes a unique collection.

  • items(): retrieves a doc_items document from /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint and a doc_item document from /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} endpoints.

The rstac package objects visualization is based on markdown, a lightweight markup language. You can paste the output into any markdown editor for a better visualization.

Call print() function to print the rstac's objects. You can determine how many items will be printed using n parameter.


## S3 method for class 'rstac_query'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_catalog'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_collections'
print(x, n = 10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_collection'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_items'
print(x, n = 10, ..., tail = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'doc_item'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_queryables'
print(x, n = 10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_conformance'
print(x, n = 10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_link'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'doc_links'
print(x, n = 10, ...)



either a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria or any rstac_doc.


other parameters passed in the functions.


number of entries to print. Each object has its own rule of truncation: the doc_collection objects will print 10 links by default. If the object has less than 20 collections, all collections will be shown. In doc_items, 10 features will be printed by default. To show all entries, use n = Inf.


A logical value indicating if last features in doc_items object must be show.

See Also

stac() stac_search() collections() items()


## Not run: 
 # doc_items object
 stac_item_collection <-
   stac("") %>%
   stac_search(collections = "CB4-16D-2",
          bbox = c(-47.02148, -17.35063, -42.53906, -12.98314),
          limit = 15) %>%

 print(stac_item_collection, n = 10)

 # doc_collections object
 stac_collection <-
     stac("") %>%
     collections() %>%

 print(stac_collection, n = 5)

 # rstac_query object
 obj_rstac <- stac("")


## End(Not run)

Endpoint functions


The queryables endpoint allows the user to discover which properties can be used in the filter extension. This endpoint can be accessed from the catalog (⁠/queryables⁠) or from a collection (⁠/collections/{collection_id}/queryables⁠).





a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria.


A rstac_query object with the subclass queryables for ⁠/queryables⁠ endpoint.

See Also

ext_filter(), conformance(), collections()


## Not run: 
# Catalog's queryables
stac("") %>%
  queryables() %>% get_request()

# Collection's queryables
stac("") %>%
  collections(collection_id = "sentinel-2-l2a") %>%
  queryables() %>%

## End(Not run)

R client library for STAC (rstac)



Provides functions to access, search and download spacetime earth observation data via SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC). This package supports the version 1.0.0 (and older) of the STAC specification ( For further details see Simoes et al. (2021) doi:10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553518.

The rstac functions

The rstac package provides two categories of functions: API endpoints and data access and organization.

STAC API endpoints functions

  • stac(): implements STAC ⁠/stac⁠ endpoint for version 0.8.1 or below, and / for versions 0.9.0 or higher.

  • conformance(): implements ⁠/conformance⁠ endpoint.

  • collections(): implements ⁠/collections⁠ and /collections/{collectionId} endpoints.

  • items(): implements /collections/{collectionId}/items and /collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId} endpoints.

  • queryables(): implements ⁠/queryables⁠ and /collections/{collectionId}/queryables endpoints.

  • stac_search(): implements STAC ⁠/stac/search⁠ endpoint for version 0.8.1 or below, and ⁠/search⁠ endpoint for versions 0.9.0 or higher.

  • ext_filter(): implements ⁠/filter⁠ CQL2 endpoint.

Data access and organization functions

Data types

The package implements the following S3 classes: doc_items, doc_item, doc_catalog, doc_collections and doc_collection. These classes are regular lists representing the corresponding JSON STAC objects.


Maintainer: Felipe Carvalho [email protected]


Other contributors:

  • National Institute for Space Research (INPE) [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

Endpoint functions


The stac function implements ⁠/stac⁠ API endpoint (>=0.8.0), and / for versions 0.9.0 or higher. It prepares search field parameters to be provided to a STAC API web service. This endpoint should return a STAC Catalog document containing all published data catalogs.


stac(base_url, force_version = NULL)



a character informing the base URL of a STAC web service.


a character providing the version of the STAC used. If not provided, the rstac package will make requests to try to find the version of STAC used. It is highly recommended that you inform the STAC version you are using.


A rstac_query object with the subclass stac containing all request parameters to be provided to API service.

See Also

stac_search(), collections(), items(), get_request(), post_request()


## Not run: 
 stac("") %>%

## End(Not run)

Utility functions


These function retrieves information about either rstac queries (rstac_query objects) or rstac documents (rstac_doc objects).


stac_version(x, ...)




either a rstac_query object expressing a STAC query criteria or any rstac_doc.


config parameters to be passed to GET method, such as add_headers or set_cookies.


The stac_version() function returns a character STAC API version.

Static functions


These functions provide support to work with static catalogs.

  • stac_read(): open a STAC document from an URL.

  • read_items(): opens (statically) all items referred in links key entry of a given collection document (doc_collection).

  • links(): extracts and filters the links of any STAC document.

  • link_open(): opens (statically) the document referenced by the link. This function can resolve any relative URL.


read_stac(url, ...)

read_items(collection, ..., limit = 100, page = 1, progress = TRUE)

read_collections(catalog, ..., limit = 100, page = 1, progress = TRUE)

links(x, ...)

link_open(link, base_url = NULL)



a character value with the URL to a valid STAC document.


additional arguments. See details.


a doc_collection object to fetch all rel=="item" links.


an integer with defining the page size of items to fetch.


an integer with the page number to fetch the items.


a logical indicating if a progress bar must be shown or not. Defaults to TRUE.


a doc_catalog object to fetch all rel=="child" links.


any rstac document with 'links' key entry.


a doc_link object, usually an element of links key entry.


a character with the base URL to resolve relative links. If NULL (default) rstac will try resolve relative links using internal metadata.


Ellipsis argument (...) may appears in different items functions and has distinct purposes:

  • stac_read(): ellipsis is used to pass any additional parameters to read_json function.

  • links(): ellipsis is used to pass logical expressions to be evaluated against a doc_link item as a filter criteria. See examples.


  • links(): a doc_links object containing a list of link entries.

  • link_open(): a recognizable rstac document.


## Not run: 
 x <- stac("") %>%
     collections("CB4-16D-2") %>%

 link <- links(x, rel == "items")

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
 wv_url <- paste0(
 wv <- read_stac(wv_url)
 stac_type(wv)  # Collection

 # reads the second page of 5 links
 wv_items <- read_items(wv, limit = 5, page = 2)

 # lists all links of the collection document that are not items
 links(wv, rel != "item")

 # lists all links of the items document

## End(Not run)